Faith at Work: David Wofford

Episcopalians on Baptismal Mission seeks to raise up and empower the ministries of all the baptized in their daily lives and challenges the Episcopal Church to do the same. In this vein, this ongoing column shares the stories of laypeople living in their faith in the world.

Excuse me? Faith at work? I’m not a priest or a rabbi. It’s not my job to heal the sick or mend broken souls. I’m just a “used-bond salesman.”

My work area is a large trading floor with people sitting in front of several monitors blinking price action in the bond market. Everyone sits almost elbow to elbow and it can get a bit loud. We work hard, do a good job and at the same time, have a lot of fun. More often than not, that fun is similar to the fun we had in elementary school.

After asking for more details about my job, my priest thought a bit and he said something that opened my eyes. My faith was all around me. It is there when I try to help my accounts meet their goals with honesty and integrity. If they are down, I try to cheer them up or put them at ease. The camaraderie with my colleagues is also a part of my faith. Many of us have worked together over twenty years in a very stressful occupation. We share lots of laughs. We pull together when times are tough. Another salesman and I like to read “Forward Movement” online during down time.

I park across the street from my office. Each morning there is a little ritual on my walk. I thank God for my great family. I ask for Him to help me be a better father and husband. I thank Him for the opportunities I have and the friends around me. I ask for His help when times are rough or a friend is in need. I thank Him for the sunshine or the rain. God walks me to work… and everyone in the office says I only park across the street because I’m a tight wad and can save $30 a month!! Faith at work? Even for a “used-bond salesman”? Believe it or not it can happen.
