Episcopal Women’s Caucus Final Eucharist and Reception

For four decades, the Episcopal Women’s Caucus spearheaded much of the good and successful work moving towards the full inclusion of women, people of color, and folks who are LGBTQ in the Episcopal Church. Having built this foundation, they now look to others to build upon it.

The final event for the Episcopal Women’s Caucus is the Festival Eucharist and Reception, which will take place at 5:30 pm on Wednesday , July 11, at St. David’s Episcopal Church in Austin. The Celebrants will be the Right Revs. Barbara Harris and Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows. The Preacher will be the Rev. Terri Pilarski. And many people who have been involved with the work of the Caucus over the years will have leadership roles in the liturgy.

Come to celebrate the EWC’s long history, honor its leaders, and look forward with hope to the next journey of inclusion the Spirit will lead us into together!


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