Taking Action Against Gun Violence

The Episcopal Peace Fellowship’s Gun Violence Prevention Action Group –  http://epfnational.org/gun-violence-prevention-action-group/ – is planning an active and effective presence at General Convention.  We see Convention as an opportunity to make gun violence prevention a focus for the Episcopal Church. 
Specifically, we plan to:

  Support “Bishops Against Gun Violence” in their  witness during Convention.  EPF members can help without attending Convention by going to their website (www.bishopsagainstgunviolence.org) and checking the list of “Our Bishops” to see if your bishops are members.  Thank those who are.  Encourage those who are not yet members to join.
  Monitor and support resolutions that limit gun violence.  Constructive resolutions have passed in various dioceses – collectively these resolutions can create a positive vision for state and federal legislation for the next decade as well as strengthen the “Episcopal Public Policy Network” to promote reforms in American gun laws.
  Usher resolutions that limit gun violence through Convention –
        o All EPF members: please speak at committee hearings and ask your Bishops and      
            Deputies for support.
  ◊  If you are attending Convention as a visitor, contact EPF to let us know if you    would be willing to track legislation and/or speak at committee hearings.
           o EPF members who are Deputies or Bishops: please speak on the floor of 
  ◊  If you are a Bishop or a Deputy, let EPF know if you would be willing to co-   sponsor new legislation or speak on the floor of Convention.
