For Disciplinary Board for Bishops: 
The Rev. Erik W. Larson

For The Executive Council: 
Mr. E. Bruce Garner
Mr. Louis W. Glosson
Ms. Julia Ayala Harris
The Rev. Mally Lloyd
The Rt. Rev. Bavi Rivera

For General Board of Examining Chaplains: 
The Very Rev. Cn. Michael A. Bamberger
The Rev. Dr. Thomas Ferguson
Ms. Anne LeVeque

For Trustees of the General Theological Seminary: 
The Very Rev. Dr. Susan Carter
The Rt. Rev. Allen Shin
Ms. Dianne Audrick Smith

For Trustees of the Church Pension Fund: 
Ms. Martha Bedell Alexander
The Rt. Rev. Clifton Daniel III
The Very Rev. Tracey Lind
Ms. Sandra F. McPhee
The Rev. Dr. Tim Mitchell
The Rt. Rev. Brian N. Prior 
The Rev. Canon Dr. Sandye Wilson

For Treasurer of the General Convention: 
Mr. Delbert C. Glover

For President of the House of Deputies: 
The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings

For Vice President of the House of Deputies: 
The Hon. Byron Rushing
