Episcopal Urban Caucus Envisions and Strategizes

The Episcopal Urban Caucus was founded in 1980 for the “Vitalization of Episcopal churches in the cities through involvement, reflection, advocacy and action on issues of justice, equality and peace in our cities, nation and the world.” Since then the EUC has been involved in an array of programs advocating within the church and in the world for the purposes of urban justice.

This year, in a dramatic departure from the norm, the EUC chose not to hold a General Assembly, but rather to meet as a Board to retreat, envision and strategize for the future.  Under the creative direction of facilitators, The Rev. Charles Wynder and the Rev. Melanie Mullens we held a productive as well as spiritually fulfilling three days.

Using the TOWS Matrix (Threats, Opportunities, Weakness and Strengths) we were afforded the opportunity to look closely at where we have been, what we have accomplished, where we wish to go, and who we wish to be in the future.  In time we came to realize that we need to expand our horizons, identifying who might be missing from the table and extend ourselves to them. 

Conclusions we agreed upon include: 
·       A need to pass on our history and legacy of ministry to the marginalized.
·       Embrace our youth and youth activists.
·       Being the organization to do the “calling out” of injustices.
·       Continued concentration on anti-racism.
·       The importance of including voices from Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia.
·       Importantly, we must be a prophetic voice of the Church in the city.

We urge you to continue to watch for further communications from the EUC, to think and pray about joining or returning to us, and of course, please pray for us as we continue to move forward in today’s world.

Barbara Larsen, EUC Board President

- www.episcopalurbancaucus.org
